Can't Go To Scotland, Without Visiting Nessie!

Driving through the highlands we saw a lot of lochs. The lochs have an interesting geography. They can be up to 300 meters deep, but they can also have places that you can walk across them, if you are a local and know the secret route! Scott (our tour guide) told us the story of a loch being so pretty, that some people from Ireland tourism took a picture of it and used it in their advertising. The Highlanders took exception to this cultural appropriation. One man walked out, on one of these secret routes, and planted a flag in the middle of the loch. When we arrived at Fort Augustus, the village on Loch Ness, we had a choice of three things. We could eat lunch, explore the village and/or take a boat tour of the Loch. However, we only had time to pick two of those. Since we didn't have a packed lunch, we had to eat. Of course we were going to do a boat tour of the Loch. How do you go all the way to Loch Ness, and not go out on the Loch? That's crazy talk. So we had to forgo the...