Celebrate Good Times!

Four years ago (yesterday), I started writing a blog. My first blog was a reaction to having to stay home. I only lasted about a week at home, not working, before I was going stir crazy. I had thought, after 12 years, that I didn't really need to use my brain too much at work. I just knew what I was doing, and did it. I realized how much time I spent teaching my clients, problem solving their injuries, devising treatment plans and counselling. My Chinook Massage Therapy blog was a tool for me to help my clients help themselves. They weren't allowed to go for massages, but they were still in pain. I found a great deal of professional satisfaction in that. Unexpectedly, I also discovered that I love to write. I am a natural storyteller and this was a vehicle for my stories. The problem was, once that stay at home order lifted, and I was back at work, everything changed. I didn't want to massage all day, then come home and write about massage. And so, "My Co-pilot Is A...