2022 Goes Out With a Bang!

December has been a busy month for Saga and Leif. They got to attend their first live theatre production. My nephew's Drama department performed Aladdin Jr., an adaptation of of the the Disney movie. They did a fantastic job and the songs were stuck in our heads for weeks. Our attendance was supposed to be a surprise for Oscar, but Donovan and Gavin are so tall, he saw us through the crowd in the atrium before the show! Leif & Saga made new friends at Grandma's Upon our return home, we welcomed some new family members. Duchess and Sabre have settled right in, much to Rodeo's delight. She loves cats, perhaps a little too enthusiastically at times! Although we did all our Christmas shopping in the fall on our big road trip, there were still homemade presents to make (the year of the Nordic Slipper!) and baking to do. Mom's cat, Kibbles did run off with a slipper at one point, Trolls aren't very good guards! We ...