5 Hour Adventure

Not all adventures have to be long, or far away, or even planned. Some adventures start with two friends just needing to get out of the house. This adventure was so unplanned that we didn't even know who was driving. We stood on the sidewalk in confusion. She was waiting patiently by the passenger door my car, while I collected my things. But none of those things were my car keys! The one thing we knew for sure, is that we had to start at the Elk and Owl for coffee! You know you are getting great small town service when the proprietor greets you with, "are you getting a macchiato today, or are you going to try something different?" (Always a macchiato!) I don't even go out for coffee often, maybe once a month! Before I left, I made sure to pick up a bag of my favorite beans. I have no idea what I will do with this fabric from Beaver Creek Mercantile, but it is so symbolic of my dream of travelling across Canada that I had to have it! Since my human co-pilo...